Friday, December 18, 2009

Why Im Dumb Sometimes

Sometimes I go to write and the words just don't make sense. Sentences end up all jumbled and confusing. Its not so much writers block as a lack of thoughts. Material to write a significant amount about is so abundant until I actually start writing, then I just get stupid and write random words to make sense. The worst is essays. O goodness me essays never come out to be written well. I'm a decent writer in my opinion. I can formulate words to make them sound deep and thoughtful. But this is just my stupid little explanation why my writing often suffers. I get bored with it. Can't focus and just lose my mind.

Have a Good One!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Shes so fake. All those stupid flirty days. I feel for it and don't know why I couldn't just control my own dam emotions. I slipped over and over again right into her. Never even knew her long enough to get her name. The way she controlled my every action and movement for those few days left me confused yet excited. She told me it would never work out. The age difference, past things that entangled us both in a way that would always leave us connected but never close enough to be "together" and to grow as people. We left that night. Her to a house full of her girlfriends and forget about me forever and continue her life of Fake and cruelty to another guy. Me, I left to an empty apartment. a broken soul. and a quiet night of thoughts and confusion. I got played.

Have a Good One!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Imagine If It Did End...

This is just a little story from my Mr. Matt *Super* Yao as he is called in the biz.

With the fire fight finally over, but our ears still ringing, we dragged the bodies from the kitchen floor that could no longer be seen beneath the spent 5.56, 9mm and 7.62 casings drenched in blood rolling below the body of our sergeant.

They call this victory, but we drag our fallen brothers to be sent home to their familes. ”He died for his country and fought for what he believed”; that's what they're going to tell his family. But we didn't even know what the hell we were fighting for anymore. We came here to make a difference, but the long term goes out the window here. Now, I think we just fight to stay alive, to protect the man you stand next to and any innocent person you can, and most importantly to kill the enemy before he kills you, accomplish the mission and get the hell out. Despite us not understanding why we were there for so long, we still fought like the Soldiers we were created to be back at Boot Camp in the States.

Holding the hand of your dead Commanding Officer made you wonder if we were even getting out of here alive. Just this week 5 men I was recruited and trained with were dead after their Humvee was hit by an IED. And now Staff Sergeant Teller; an Al Queda sharpshooter put a round between his eyes. It's hard to find aim like that in this country. What makes it even worse; is the children in the house panicked and made a break for the back exit, where an IED had been fixed in the step below the door. The trap was set for us, and maybe we would've found it, but the children didn't think twice. Why the hell are we here? It keeps going through my mind. What happened to “mission accomplished” 6 years ago?

All Right Reserved - Matthew Yao

Check out more of his stuff at 

Have a Good One

Cats vs My Friends vs Stationary Objects

So today I'm running to my kitchen to get some milk during a commercial. My cat was in the way so i though "no problem ill just jump over it". Great though until she saw me and run directly to where my feet were about to hit the ground.Thankfully i somehow pushed off the wall, and while getting my ribs destroyed by a kitchen chair I managed to not kill my little Jade. Shes all black a lil white on her neck and has green eyes just in case you were curious. So after getting my milk and recovering from my injuries I started to think about how different humans are compared to my cat. 

Ok here is another completely different story ended basically the same way. I was at a party running again to grab a drink again. Ok maybe this story is sort of similar to the other one. My friend (his name is Kyle) was sitting on the ground eating dinner with some other kids. He was in my way and i yelled "lookout" as i leaped over him (why I'm galloping around and refuse to find easier methods of travel is beyond me). BUT unlike Jade, Kyle did not run to where i was about to land. Instead he ducked, threw his hands over his head and I'm pretty sure let out a little girly shriek (I cant say i blame him) But his initial reaction was smart. It was a quick logical decision. He got out of the way of me. Unlike Jade he had experience and knew how to act, as well as that human intuition to avoid danger.

Final example was a good ole Billion pound plant. I was running from someone after possibly unintentionally pushing them off a swing and they were possibly chasing me. So a little idea of the set-up of what was about to happen. This backyard had three or four 1/2 barrels filled with soil and plants in the across the edge of lawn before the driveway. It was dark and they had 2 spotlights for the back yard. Problem was one of these barrels was not illuminated by this light because a truck blocked the light from getting to this particular area. I was unaware of this barrel concealed by darkness and while look behind me and frantically searching for a spot to put my soda down so as not to spill it I got OWNED! by this barrel. Full speed ran into it. I flew a good 5 or 6 feet onto paved driveway. My shin was cut up from the impact of the barrel. my right elbow and left wrist both got scraped up pretty bad (to later get infected) and my Sunkist became a cute little V-shaped piece of art. Needless to say this was not a fun experience. I learned two things from this. 1) Watch where I'm going and 2) Dont kick people of swings.

So through these three different experiences I've learned alot. We cant just expect people or animals to do certain things. I did not expect my cat run in front of me. You have to know the person to understand their actions. I knew Kyle wouldn't be stupid and jump in front me. I also learned to expect the unexpected. To be careful as to where your going and how vastly different three simple things can be.

A few posts to come at once. Schools been overwhelming (not really, I'm just a total post slacker) and Ive been super tired lately. Ill get back on schedule eventually. 

Have a Good One!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

ello friends of Ben

So after almost a month of intense writers block I awoke from my creative coma and decided to just start writing. I decided it doesn't really matter what I write, whether it has good grammar, a good plot, or makes any kind of sense at all. The point is to just start writing something, anything at all, and then decide later what I like and what I don't like. Or you decide I don't really care. After all what is writers block? Isn't it really just something that is made up in our own heads when we don't feel like writing? Theres nothing at all stopping us from writing down our thoughts and ideas, except for ourselves, and our perceptions of what is good and bad literature.

So, put away your insecurities about what you think others will think about what you are writing and just start putting down your ideas. They may possibly all horribly suck, but who cares? you're doing something countless others don't have the balls to do, and if they criticize you for your crappy writing, then great! all you need is one idea, one idea that will set off a spark that becomes a story worth reading.

So prepare yourselves, I am Preston A. Clark, and I plan on creating lots and lots of bad literature.

I Dont Know

Girls. They confuse me. I cant figure them out. Can any guy? Even married guys get confused. So I have a question to ask. Would being able to read minds be a good or bad thing?


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We Ponder...

So I was thinking a little tipsy today because I wasnt feeling great. In this state I asked myself some rather ridiculous questions. heres some of said questions and a dramatic pause at the end, and some answers i came up with to those questions.

What if the cold side of the pillow could talk?
How many licks does it take to eat a klondike bar? (it would melt before u could finish it, unless u froze it with liquid nitrogen..then maybe you could lick it to death)
What is that smell in my bedroom? (sprays febreeze)
Where are my pants? (they were on the floor for the record)
Why does my friend insist on me giving him a piggy back ride? (it will never happen)
What is my cat thinking? (of boy cats?)
Aunt Jemima is racist...more of a thought than a question. But it I thought it was funny so i through it in there. Its true tho, she is.

Anyways, Thanksgiving is coming up. So prepare your spiral hams, and pancakes, and eat like kings. Dont worry I have forgotten bout Daze Dream, just suffering from terrible writers block...gnight!

Have a Good One!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Song I Cant Sing

I was sent away on a battle drawn ship
My face was all torn, body all ripped
ive seen all the truth in this life
filled with lots of pain and oh, so much strife

I was renewed on June 26
while the second hand on a grandpa clock ticks
I reconsider what i lost in the water
two kids, my wife, a single grandaughter

missed the birth of my two babies and their kids too
wasnt there for her labor or seeing the kids off to school
so im gonna say
Save me from this dreadful place
Full of bombs and booms and more than one scared looking face
Im saying 
Save me from this broken life
no kids and no wife
and the one thing i missed. i can never get back
was the chance to say no, saying those skills i do lack
but i liar i would have surely been called
and if theres one thing i am, its an honest man....just an honest man

Not Quite sure. just made it up, thought it sounded cool. I have a bunch of stories and stuff half finished. Ive been busy, should be more posts this week. Parents leave for florida on thursday and then i have a ton of time off from school so i should get some writing done. Gnight world.
P.S. Nice to see Danielle fitting right in.
P.S.S. Go listen to The Impossible by Joe Nichols. its Country but such a moving song. ok im done 8D
Have a Good One! 

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy Resolutions :)

You know what? I just don't care, I'm as free as a bird. The sky is not a limit, the universe is boundless. Lies won't be a problem, I just won't believe you, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm defying gravity and looking at all possibilities, I will go only where I am wanted, and speak only with those who wish to converse with me. Ignore me if you wish, you can hope I cease to exist because I just don't care.Truthfully it was pointless, no aim, no direction, but I'm not angry or upset or frustrated anymore, because I realized it was just one small bump, and that if there are any problems in the world worth worrying about, that isn't it. On the grander scale of things, Jehovah is my focus, soon people are going to die, they need to hear about something better, they need hope to survive. Simplicity is going to be my goal, not worrying about petty things too, I will grow spiritually and into a better person for it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Who knew it was possible for one to shed so many tears? One bad thing led to another, the famous ripple effect made sure to take it's toll. The worst part is, I was stupid, and gullible believing everything you said. I can only thank you for the short period of time you considered me, and made me feel special, and for the lesson you've taught me: never be hasty with feelings. This song really speaks to me.....

Monday, November 16, 2009

My Day In A Nutshell

Edited for Content and Factuality

It started of easy. No motivation, putting on my glasses for a change and hobbling downstairs to a blurry glazed donut. After consuming that like a ravenous underfed Liger Tigon I headed towards the computer like a just woken up person wasted pirate and managed to sit down. Ignoring the bantering and raving from my Grandfather, I load up Internet explorer to see 7934 134 unread emails and then i said, "Ha!" and logged out. I continued to check other random internet webpages when my mom says "Ben, were going to see your little cousins and grandparents at the Nines, "Oh Joy, I replied, the anticipation and happiness just radiated off my face" (The 99's restaurant to those unfamilar)" My protestation came to no avail.

Im now traveling in a vehicle, unhappy, unwilling, with my glasses on (looking much less dorkier than usual) and dealing with my mom describing her job she hates and new boss who deserves "a slap in the face." I "Yea, ok, sure, sorry to hear, I dont care, get a life mom" her to death and we reached the restaurant. I suffer through inedible food and cute, but irritating little boys and return home. Back on the computer till dinner. 

I finished eating to travel upstairs. I turned on tv, and I did not see skater boy rocking it on MTV. I then turned my laptop on and IMed a buddy to go where we played chess. At this point I am yet to read Huck Finn and My Antonia, both needing to be done by tomorrow. O Shnikes. Even though multiple people pushed me to read, I held them back and finished possibly the most normally lengthed longest game of Chess EVER. I then started page 87 of Huck because I actually read some of it. Realizing the physical impossibilty of reading two books in one night I said Hello! to sparknotes and then even got distracted from that. I'm now not reading the shortened 14 page summary of a two 300 page books, SO SMART RIGHT??!. I am yet to read either book and have only "sparknoted" (as we say in the biz) , half of Huck Finn. Its 2:47 am and I am going to be fine SCREWED! So have a laugh at my extreme misfortune and hey, atleast I got a blog post in. Woopdidoo...this is not cool

I Hate Reading Stuff!
Have A Good One!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I gave you my everything, I've told you my all, and most important I gave you my heart, maybe I should've sent my logic with it. The sky is gray and foul, but doesn't come close to my mood. I'm upset, frustrated, the sun stopped shining. Why are you doing this? You leave me confused, and hurt by not leaving a sliver of a word. I hope you think, I hope you do. Because I really in the extremity of cases don't want to lose you.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

We're Growing!

Here at SoE were constantly looking for people. So continuing with my ideas ive brought along another writer. His name is Preston. Hes pretty spectacular. So watch out for his stuff now too.

Have a Good One!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hiding Inside

The walls start closing in and I feel the sense of terror increase, I jump up the wall to reach a closed in ceiling. I jump back down to only feel myself gettting more nervous. My hearts racing now and I feel a quick sense of impending doom. I push that aside and refocus my mind to the task at hand. The walls now 2 inches closer. How big is this room i wonder. I quickly count the ceiling tiles. 19 of them, so 38 feet left. I run back up the wall and rest on the barred window ledge. I flip myself upside down and kick the ceiling with all my force. It didn't even crack. I slip and land flat on my back on the hardwood floor. I stare into the giant mirror to see myself and ask how did I end up here, I got caught in bad situations and now I'm screwed. I probably deserved it for what I did to her. I look around, no doors, a titanium barred window. The mirror, how could i be so stupid, he gave me the answer before he put me in here and i didn't even realize it. "Even a million shattered mirrors doesn't provide escape". Lets hope that last half was a lie. I grab my shoe and toss it at the wall with one huge mirror along it. It doesn't even crack. After 4 attempts all ending in failure I give up and try a new tactic. I back up all way and check the ceiling real quick, 12 tiles left, 24 feet, I'm running out of time. I back up as far the the opposing wall as I can. I run full speed using all the energy I have. I fly right through it right out the other side to a 20 story drop. I saved myself just to die. Its ironic I think how as I fall. I'm just about to smash into the ground... I woke up instantly filled with fear. The dreams are getting so realistic. "Its only a dream, its only a dream, it was only another dream. I slowly calm down and sip some water as my sense of doom disapears. I hide back under the covers and fall asleep till the morning. 

Felt like writing something intense. hope you enjoyed the journey.

Till next time. Have a Good One Peoples!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hey everyone!! As you've heard my name is Danielle, and I'm 17. Months older than Ben I might add, and I live right near the beach and I just started to homeschool this year. I love writing when the inspiration comes, so you'll be sure to read from me every once in a while but Ben does most of the writing. I'm a relaxed most of the time happy person, and look forward to sharing my writing!!!
I'll be writing soon!!
Toodleoo!!! :D

New Postageness

Theres a new addition to SoE. Which is what my blog is now gonna be called. Her name is Danielle. She a brilliant writer in my opinion. She'll be mixing in her posts with mine, so keep a look out for different writing styles and feedback is always great. 

Have a Good One!

She Didn't Need To Say I Love You.

The sun just rising over the ocean. The cool ocean breeze filled my lungs. She looked at me and only needed a smile to convey what a million words could say. Water dripped from her face from the spray of water against rock. I held her in my arms sure not to let go, to hold on as long as I could. We had been there since midnight. The first meteor shower she had ever seen and by the end, between the joy and awe expressions on her face we just stayed and laid under the stars. I return back to reality and she holds my hand tightly as she gets up. It was time to go, she didn't have to tell me, didn't have to look at me, we both just knew it was time to leave. We got into the parking lot, the sun not basking us in brilliant rays. She leans in for a kiss and recieves without question. As our lips break apart we remain in each others grasp. We hold on tight before letting go only when we have to. Our arms stretch out and slowly finger by finger we walk away to our seperate cars. We were completly lost in our own fantasy's. No words needed, like a silent film, like a perfect love.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Daze Dream (IV1/2)

"You could've just kept driving. There was no need to call for help, the job was done, you need to grow colder. I cant say much. I was like you when I first started too." The blue 328i BMW sped down the highway, blending in like any other car. "Sorry, I was nervous. Its not like I haven't done this before, but with this kid, i don't know, its different. Something about him. Ill get over it. Don't worry, I'll finish the job." The driver had a candy apple red dress with black  2 and a 1/4" Stilettos. She was an accomplished Attourney, graduate of Harvard, and banned from 17 of 50 states. She number 22 on the Most Wanted list from the F.B.I. and she doesn't make mistakes. Her face doesnt show her age, it shows excellence and elegance. She emphasizes every word correct and doesn't slur her speech. This is Theresa Wittman. The man sitting quietly, a sense of failure radiating from him is Derek Rulas. He's quiet, unemotional, and fierce. A well-known Brazilian Jujitsu fighter and the newest member of TALIA. Terrorist Alliance In America.

theres more to this post...but im to tired and felt bad having nothing.

Have Good Night! I know i will!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Daze Dream (Part III)

    The blurry remembrance of faint ambulance alarms ringing through my head, them constantly checking my pulse, and the idea maybe this was more than just a broken leg and rib.I regain conciousness a few hours after surgery, the eyes slowly getting clearer. Blink after blink my contacts get a little less dry and i can see. The doctor comes in to help me, a nervous and overworked look on his face. His nametag reads Hanson in faded black letters and his eyes are droopier than any mans should be. "Mr. Holtz, we have some questions to ask you regarding your accident." I could hear the faded grey hair in his voice, he was long past sleep and words came out slow yet precise, leaning on every word with a perfect emphasis. "We did a toxic scan as part of your surgery, to make sure non of the drugs we gave you would counteract anything already in your system. In the banner of normal items, such as Ketamine which we used to sedate you in the ambulance. On a broader spectrum though, we found traces of cocaine and PCP. Have you ever used any of these drugs Mr.Holtz? Because due to the nature of the these drugs and the physical activity you exercised, your brain went into overload and you nearly lost conciousness. To be honest Mt.Holtz, your lucky to be alive." My head was already hurting as i upped the morphine. "Doctor Hanson, is it? I can assure you I am one hundred percent against the use of recreational drugs. I have lived a mostly chaste life, but I am against drugs and their use for "fun". "Thank you Mr. Holtz, I'll be back at some point to check on you."

    I was starting to remember my morning. Woke up, like any other day. I ate breakfast before my bike ride. Cereal. yes cereal was my meal. The Frosted Flakes in the top left cabinet. They tasted funny, but the milk had been a little old. Was I drugged. Just the thought shot pain through the bandaged and broken left side of my body. What could I have done to have this happen? Did i fall off my bike, or was I pushed? It all happened so fast. And that lady in the red dress. I know I've seen that dress before. These all ran through my mind as I fell into another deep, deep sleep

Monday, October 26, 2009

Daze Dream (Part 2)

I take the bike out of the shed. I check the tired pressure of both tires and they seem to be perfect, possibly due to the chilly night we had. Riding, rocking the body just enough to the right to cut the turn perfect. No rush, nowhere to go this morning. Just a casual ride with the wind rushing into me, a smile on my face and not a care in the world. About 1/2 a mile in im feeling surprisingly winded. I had been going a little fast and jumping off the lips of people driveways but it was nothing like how i felt, my throat felt swollen, eyes all watery, and next thing a knew  everything was spinning. I lost control of the bike and wiped out into the street. The newly paved road was soaked in red. A car coming like a rocket sees me at the last second, does its best to avoid me but ran over my left foot. Agony and torment all over my face and body. Im writhing on the ground waiting for any relief, any help. Stabbing sensations traveling to the foot, now totally dismembered with broken bones and gwisted muscles inside and the road rash, broken arm and the three broken ribs. The car that hit me pulled over and sprinted to my side, calling an emergency number as he runs. "they're on their way, they're on their way" i hear as i fade in and out of concoiusness. I see a bright red ruffle as i finally blackout from sheer pain.  dumdumdum...keep checking, new posts all this week, once or twice a day!

Have an ecstatical day!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Daze Dreams (part I)

The door opens to reveal that open pasture i see so often..the dream fades away to black and white agaiin. Im looking for my mom in the park. She just seemed to vanish into thin air, no trace, no explaination. "Its not like her, its not like her, its not like her" i repeat over and over again until i wake up the next morning. I slowly fade into the ability to function. Slide the contacts int omy eyes, turn the music up to a volume i can cope with in the morning, run to the bathroom to let loose the demons ive been holding back since i fell asleep. Its a saturday which means i should sleep in. I felt more awake than normal this time of morning. I open the screen door to be hit with that gentle smell a fresh spring morning seems to bring. The 13 steps across pavement still cold from the night to the grass, just wetting from the dewdrops. the faded maroon shed doors open and i take out my bike. Technically my fathers, i ride it more than him, i call it mine. To Be a time when my eyeballs dont feel like bleeding..gnight

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jotting Down Little Notes In The Corner

I lie awake in bed waiting for a quieter time. That infamous 1 o'clock perfect silence. The fan twirls around blocking our everything but my own thoughts. The sadness is the only thought going through my mind is her. A girl i want, a girl i beg and plead to have. That one girl i can never seem to get. Its 1:30 am and i realize i should get some sleep. I turn on my laptop to check my email every night like the monotone robot i become. Thats always the biggest mistake mistake. I get caught up reading I peruse for hours, ok an hour an see 2:30 hit those red dials. Ill be waking up at 6 for school, i need sleep. 2:30, laptops shutdown, iPods charging, phones charging, my electric bill is charging. I reach that boundary where my minds still moving. 3:00. Inspiration hits, light gets flicked on, pen and paper and boom a new song or two, or often times 5 pages of jumbled words i call lyrics that i never get back to and get added to a pile. 3:45 my head hits the pillow. Out by 4:30. 6:00, one and half hours of sleep. My mind wakes up alert enough to roll out of bed and suffer through another endless day of school. You think id learn, go to bed earlier, school will suck less. Every night around midnight i think this. by 2:00 all those thoughts are gone. (copy and repeat) thats my life.

I usually get like 4-6 hours of sleep a schoolnight.
I'm tired in the morning.
I'm going to sleep soon after i post this.
I'm in an extremly confused state of mind.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"Lost In Your Eyes..."

I'd like to thank Tyler C. Wade for giving this to me. He's a good buddy of mine with unreal lyrical writing skill. This is NOT his first song ever, but definatly one of his best. Ill try to get an audio clip at some point, maybe, depends on his mood. Anyways here it is.. his latest song "Lost In Your Eyes"

Verse 1:/
Is it wrong or is it right/
But I miss bad tonight/
So just tell me it’s alright/
With your eyes they are so bright/
Light up my world when it goes black/
So please baby don’t go back/
Cause I need you here today/
And I need to hear you say/
That it’s gonna be okay/
So just tell me you will stay/

I’m sorry I’m not there/
But I hope you know I care/
I wish things were the way they were back then/

Cause I’d do anything to hold you in my arms again tonight/
Cause nothing here feels right/
And there’s a whole were my heart should be/
So I need you here with me/
So that I can get lost in your eyes/
You take me flying high/
Make me feel things I can’t describe/
And you make me feel alive/

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Its Dark outside

We sit in the campfire with no one around us,
Just the two of us and the bright burning fire.
We gaze into the others eyes and think the same thing,
If you shutoff the lights its dark outside.

I'm not sure what this actually is. I just kinda thought of that expression, "its dark outside" and thought of hanging out in front of fires with buddies. I then transalted it to a girl because of the fact im sixteen and the majority of my songs end up being about a girl/ husband & wife/people in love.

So just remember that when the lights go off, theres always someone there to shine.

Have A Great Day!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hide My Feelings And Throw Away The Key

    Multitudes of us our lonely at heart. We say that were fine and act all happy and joyous. In reality we bottle up our emotions and take our true feelings and put them in an imaginary safe. We lock them up because we don't want them to escape and affect peoples judgements upon us. It is because of this I get to my topic tonight/tomorning (my newest made up word) which is judging and sterotyping. I wear skinny jeans, say words like "mad" and "hardcore". Am I scene? I shop at Hollister, American Eagle, and Abercrombie & Fitch. Well clearly I'm a prep who only wears polos and ripped jeans. I shop at Salvation Army and other thrift stores. I'm a poor unfortunate soul who lacks fashion sense because I don't know where to shop. People will judge you and sterotype based on every part of you, whether it be your clothes, the music you listen to, and even your goals. Its this unfair and bias judgement that makes so many Teen, Young Adults, even those gettin on in age to base how they act, what they wear all on what other people are going to think of them. This is absolute TRASH. I wear skinny jean, maybe I like the security and how they look on me. I shopped at Hollister, oh em gee, maybe i like how their clothes fit and the feel of them. I mean have you ever felt a hollister polo bought brand new, its Amazing. Oh, and lets not forget my Salvation Army clothes, maybe I just want a simpler lifestyle, I make my own fashion out of worn clothes. 
    We have to look at the ridiculousness of stereotyping people. I'm not saying I don't do it, its become a human inclination to group a person, ever hear of So what I'm trying to say is this; don't judge people on what they look like. Get to truly know a person and how they truly are. Let them show and express all these emotions they've locked away. Ask for the key to their lock and help them open up. Thanx for listening if you actually read the whole thing, this subjects just always bothered me. 

In other news i bought a light grey DC beanie at tjmaxx because it was $7.99 and snowboarding season is coming up.

Have A Good One!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Darkened EnClosure of Realms of Thought

As we sit and reconsider our paths we show our mistaken identites. Are we really who we say we are? Do our actions really say more about us than our lips ever could? Or are we hiding our scarred emotions from physical torment, in order to slow our own decay? We create scapegoats for our own downfalls. So we must remember that we NEED to take responsibilities for what we do, whether for good or for bad! Just some stuff to mull over. Leave me some comments about our own thoughts. They can be misguided conceptions or general fun facts, but my comments are lonely and are pledging to start WW III so please comment and make them happy.

Its been a long few weeks.

Have A Good One!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I was just messing around with some designs during the superbowl last year. The Patriots were not in it so it was point less to watch! The top is a shark if you cant tell and the bottom is three independently designed shapes. These are just designs i found online and sketched out. I DO NOT TRACE!!! 

So a friend of mine named Kerry asked me to draw her name for her. I had messed around a couple different ideas before this one came about. Of all the letters in the world K's and R's are always the hardest for me to draw because of the proportions but ii like the way it turned out. I designed a cool flower thing behind it to.
So thats about it for now. I'm working on a new song so that should be up very soon

Have A Good One!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

That Rhythm Playing In My Skull

Music. Oh! that thing? We listen to it. But what is music. Music isn't just a set of rhythmic beat and harmonies. Music is a living thing. You can hear one song and instantly fall in love or hate it with a passion. We can grow to love some songs and grow out of old ones. The music scene is constantly changing, evolving, growing. As we get older we appreciate different varieties and styles we hadn't enjoyed or may have detested before. Music plays in our head, music moves people to move in what we call dancing. I've enjoyed a wide variety of music ever since i was young. Growing up my mom showed me "3 Doors Down, Alan Jackson, Uncle Kracker, Eifel 65" and this just led me to love what i listen to. I often say "Oh! my iPod would love to have that" because my iPod ( an old and scratched 80g video) I live and have something to be apart of . Music is more than just beats to me, its a way of life, it affects my mood, my persona, even what I want to do. What a good song can do can move more than just a few people, even an entire generation. So I say "THANK YOU" to all those artists giving me new music to listen to and those old devoted ones who keep trucking with the same wonderful tunes we've loved for years!

Have a good one!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

She Said It Was Forever, Now Its Fornever

Love. My view of this twisted and sometimes wonderous event. Women and Men alike say they "fall for each other" "it was love at first sight" "we're perfect for each other" Words and lines we hear day after day and often times ignore. But what about when you say you love someone. You have this uncomparable devotion. You would do anything for this person. Your going to love this person till your too old to even know what love is and then continue to love even more. One day long before you considered marriage this happened. Suddenly the two of you start dating, the emotion and wonder that was their slowly dissipates, The intimate feeling you had for the other one is gone, and suddenly its all over.This isn't just a story but pure reality. The fact is that love is an emotion. Love is the physical bond, the connection two members of the opposite sex have. So, I finish this story with some final words "People can say I love you, But love is more than just a word. its the actions that make love what it truly can be."

Its been a tough day, sorry if my posts are recently depressing!

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Silent Soul

The rain pitter patters against the roof and he sits alone. The floor creaks as the worn-out wood of an old chair is slowly rocked against it. Much past the age of his prime he often ponders how he has ended up here. There are self-loathing days those thoughts escape his mind. Today was not one of the afore mentioned days and he recalls a time when he was living the high-life. The ripe young age of youth. Not old enough to drink, yet to immature to care. Skipping rocks off West 35, telling old haunted ghost stories while camping in "the yards" as we called the woods behind our houses. Just four young men who had simple and fun lives. Then came the age of eighteen where it all turned around. We were enlisted to fight and serve our Country. Seven years of nonstop gunfire, the deafening "BOOM" of a bomb going off or a car exploding and worst of all our girls back home and our families who lived in fear of the future and prayed for us every night. Johnny lost a leg. Billy lost an eye. Chet is still partially deaf in his right ear even with the hearing aid in. "Am I the lucky one?" i often ask myself. Some men, hundreds of men, hundred of thousands of men played russian roulette with their lives and they caught the bullet. Would i rather be dead than alone with no family? Would i rather have served like the true warrior i could have been at heart? I feel I've wasted my life and went from 18 to 80 in just a few years. What we gamble with is often all we have. The floor stops creaking, the rain lets up, everything was perfectly silent as the bullet cracked right through his head. The blood trickles through the floorboards to the ground water below, where maybe with a little bit of help, someone will know the true story of this silent soul.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

War of Chess

I Wrote this some years ago. Its not my best and probably has spelling mistakes. Chess is what some consider a boring game so i tried to change peoples view of that. 

The War of Chess
  Many people in the world play chess, but many more don’t reflect on the game as it is; a war. The brutality of chess is both a physical, psychological, and what is most known as; a mental war. The mental aspect is the game itself, the psychological aspect is the effect and the breakdown it can play on your mind and the physical is the pieces that wage war.

Feeling Froggy?

I was at my friends before a long trip to Maine. His family has this statue in their frontyard. I was just kinda messing around with steadiness by taking pictures without flash, but one of the times it went off and this was the end result. I think it came out really cool. All the colors seem to accent eachother and the area aroung the statue looks all moved around while the statue itself is pretty motionless. Just something I did a few a weeks back. Have a good one!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sail and Sail Away

So, this is my first post with any actual relevance to it. This is a song I just wrote today. The lyrics and still being worked out and there will hopefully be an end to this song added at some point

I'm a day dreamer, I'm a night screamer
I play a six string guitar to get through the day
I watch waves crash, take a picture with flash
I'm just trying to sail and sail away
This place has been so incredible
The days is sent me so impossible
I describe with words english doesnt know
So i quietly sit and look at her all dayyyyyy

I don't play guitar right now...or sing for that matter. My dream is to take singing lessons and learn guitar at some point.
This song doesnt have to much meaning behind it. Its primarily about this man who enjoys being serene in nature and just how amazing it can be. But then there might be some love story coming into play. We shall see!

What Is This?

So, many of you are probably wondering about what my blog actually is. Well im a Junior in High School. Im from Massachusetts and always had a love for the arts. I started to write little short stories when i was younger and have continued to do that up till today. I've always loved music and the how the different sounds and words can effect your brain and your mood. So about six months to a year ago i started writing lyrics. Sometimes it would just be a chorus, sometimes just a few words, and if i was lucky a full-fledged song. Finally I've always been very passionate for photography. Pictures exemplify and show things in ways we couldnt have ever imagined. Normal things; a sidewalk, some flourescent colored flower, and even nature can be shown in ways will be awe-inspiring and wonderous to the mind. So, what is this blog your probably asking. It will be a continous series of photography, lyrics, short stories and anything else i wanna throw in there. So check it out and I'll try to be consistent and update a few times a week!