Friday, November 13, 2009

Hiding Inside

The walls start closing in and I feel the sense of terror increase, I jump up the wall to reach a closed in ceiling. I jump back down to only feel myself gettting more nervous. My hearts racing now and I feel a quick sense of impending doom. I push that aside and refocus my mind to the task at hand. The walls now 2 inches closer. How big is this room i wonder. I quickly count the ceiling tiles. 19 of them, so 38 feet left. I run back up the wall and rest on the barred window ledge. I flip myself upside down and kick the ceiling with all my force. It didn't even crack. I slip and land flat on my back on the hardwood floor. I stare into the giant mirror to see myself and ask how did I end up here, I got caught in bad situations and now I'm screwed. I probably deserved it for what I did to her. I look around, no doors, a titanium barred window. The mirror, how could i be so stupid, he gave me the answer before he put me in here and i didn't even realize it. "Even a million shattered mirrors doesn't provide escape". Lets hope that last half was a lie. I grab my shoe and toss it at the wall with one huge mirror along it. It doesn't even crack. After 4 attempts all ending in failure I give up and try a new tactic. I back up all way and check the ceiling real quick, 12 tiles left, 24 feet, I'm running out of time. I back up as far the the opposing wall as I can. I run full speed using all the energy I have. I fly right through it right out the other side to a 20 story drop. I saved myself just to die. Its ironic I think how as I fall. I'm just about to smash into the ground... I woke up instantly filled with fear. The dreams are getting so realistic. "Its only a dream, its only a dream, it was only another dream. I slowly calm down and sip some water as my sense of doom disapears. I hide back under the covers and fall asleep till the morning. 

Felt like writing something intense. hope you enjoyed the journey.

Till next time. Have a Good One Peoples!!


  1. Yeah, my heart was kind of racing reading this ...
    I'd be pissed if I woke up from this dream. It seems wicked exciting! Great job writing, as always, Ben!

    Enter my Chickdowntown giveaway now!

  2. Thanks Syd, Ironically i had one wicked scary dream and woke up wicked scared. Maybe i ser myself up


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