Friday, April 2, 2010

Simple Eye

The earth is full of pain and relief, rough edges and smooth lines, deserts and oceans and all possible creation you could think of. With all this beautiful and outstanding creation before us, how can we not be content with what we have? We've seemingly gotten lost and stuck in a mindset of a want, need, get society. We try our best (some do) to limit ourselves by pretending we're content with what we have, but in reality this is just a facade. There will always be that lingering thought in the back of our minds about a new car, or just one more pair of shoes and then we always want whatever new electronic toy is out there. Theres so many factors making us "want" and its the media and manufacturers pushing and pushing to make you pay for their product or its your own buddies showing off their new BMW's and 54'' LCD T.V.'s. It's almost like life took a dump and out popped thousands of gizmos and gadgets for you to buy. Its ridiculous to be honest. So I'm going to paint two pictures and I think it's fairly obvious which is better.

If Only..

I sat in an worn wooden rocking chair. Slowly I began strumming the guitar. Chord after melodious chord I was making beautiful music. Then like an angel descending from heaven my lips crested to form words. My voice was said to "lullaby babies and sooth the wounded." Suddenly I was jostled awake and my vision started to come into view. I was not in a beautiful room playing melodies, but lying in my bed dreaming. I've begun to loathe these dreams because all they do is mock me. Ever since I was three I haven't been able to hear. Being deaf I never got the opportunity to play and instrument or have a voice. Its almost worse growing up being able to hear then suddenly being shut off from the world. 

Personally I believe thats how deaf people must feel. I can't imagine never hearing music or sounds.Just a thought to not mock someone when their talking with their hands. They live a life just as you do.

Good night everyone!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Too Young For This

To hear the words "I hope we can always be friends, but thats all we'll ever be...I'm so sorry" or "I've been thinking about it and I don't see anything happening between us in the future..I'm sorry". Its just a few words jumbled together to make a sentence. Given this is still a sentence that goes straight through the ribs and veins and pierces the deepest depths of your heart. I wish I could just forget them. Just move on and not worry about it because I'm young, feelings constantly changing, hormones will stop raging like a wild bull staring at a red cape and people mature to who they will be as adults. But I read into more than just the words. I read into the hearts and try to find out if it hurt them to say what they did or was it just another goodbye. I let the words linger and hide in my mind and moments, more often then I'd hope for, my heart sinks, my world turns into just a little bit darker shade of grey, and sometimes even tears break out. Not a wild sob but often just a single a tear or a watery eyed frown. Its natural human reaction to feel this way I say to myself, if it's true I don't know. I wish people would just stop saying sorry sometimes....

G'nite Readers.