Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy Resolutions :)

You know what? I just don't care, I'm as free as a bird. The sky is not a limit, the universe is boundless. Lies won't be a problem, I just won't believe you, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm defying gravity and looking at all possibilities, I will go only where I am wanted, and speak only with those who wish to converse with me. Ignore me if you wish, you can hope I cease to exist because I just don't care.Truthfully it was pointless, no aim, no direction, but I'm not angry or upset or frustrated anymore, because I realized it was just one small bump, and that if there are any problems in the world worth worrying about, that isn't it. On the grander scale of things, Jehovah is my focus, soon people are going to die, they need to hear about something better, they need hope to survive. Simplicity is going to be my goal, not worrying about petty things too, I will grow spiritually and into a better person for it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Who knew it was possible for one to shed so many tears? One bad thing led to another, the famous ripple effect made sure to take it's toll. The worst part is, I was stupid, and gullible believing everything you said. I can only thank you for the short period of time you considered me, and made me feel special, and for the lesson you've taught me: never be hasty with feelings. This song really speaks to me.....

Monday, November 16, 2009

My Day In A Nutshell

Edited for Content and Factuality

It started of easy. No motivation, putting on my glasses for a change and hobbling downstairs to a blurry glazed donut. After consuming that like a ravenous underfed Liger Tigon I headed towards the computer like a just woken up person wasted pirate and managed to sit down. Ignoring the bantering and raving from my Grandfather, I load up Internet explorer to see 7934 134 unread emails and then i said, "Ha!" and logged out. I continued to check other random internet webpages when my mom says "Ben, were going to see your little cousins and grandparents at the Nines, "Oh Joy, I replied, the anticipation and happiness just radiated off my face" (The 99's restaurant to those unfamilar)" My protestation came to no avail.

Im now traveling in a vehicle, unhappy, unwilling, with my glasses on (looking much less dorkier than usual) and dealing with my mom describing her job she hates and new boss who deserves "a slap in the face." I "Yea, ok, sure, sorry to hear, I dont care, get a life mom" her to death and we reached the restaurant. I suffer through inedible food and cute, but irritating little boys and return home. Back on the computer till dinner. 

I finished eating to travel upstairs. I turned on tv, and I did not see skater boy rocking it on MTV. I then turned my laptop on and IMed a buddy to go where we played chess. At this point I am yet to read Huck Finn and My Antonia, both needing to be done by tomorrow. O Shnikes. Even though multiple people pushed me to read, I held them back and finished possibly the most normally lengthed longest game of Chess EVER. I then started page 87 of Huck because I actually read some of it. Realizing the physical impossibilty of reading two books in one night I said Hello! to sparknotes and then even got distracted from that. I'm now not reading the shortened 14 page summary of a two 300 page books, SO SMART RIGHT??!. I am yet to read either book and have only "sparknoted" (as we say in the biz) , half of Huck Finn. Its 2:47 am and I am going to be fine SCREWED! So have a laugh at my extreme misfortune and hey, atleast I got a blog post in. Woopdidoo...this is not cool

I Hate Reading Stuff!
Have A Good One!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I gave you my everything, I've told you my all, and most important I gave you my heart, maybe I should've sent my logic with it. The sky is gray and foul, but doesn't come close to my mood. I'm upset, frustrated, the sun stopped shining. Why are you doing this? You leave me confused, and hurt by not leaving a sliver of a word. I hope you think, I hope you do. Because I really in the extremity of cases don't want to lose you.