Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ben vs. Fork

The table was set and dinner was ready. I sat down and poured salt onto my steak. Oh this was a grandiose steak. Straight from the local butcher it had been sitting in red wine the last two days and seasoned with spices, corn on the cob to go with it and of course an ice cold near frozen root beer. I said my prayer and was beyond excited to mow down this food. I reach down for my fork and its not there. I quizzically ponder where it could have gone. I remember putting on there when I set the table.Suddenly I hear a whoosh and I dive off my chair. I regain control and see my fork trying to get itself jammed out of the wall.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked full of curiosity and anxiety.

"Years, years I've put up with this. Mindlessly munching on me. Not cleaning me good enough. I've watched you just tossed away my friends. and why? Because they were old and dirty. Well I'm taking my stand. Prepare TO DIE!"

Dumbfounded I stood their trying extremely hard not to laugh. In retrospect taking him seriously or talking it out, basically anything but laughing would've been a better plan.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So Im holding a small design contest. Odds are Ill end up winning beating me myself and I. But for any who are reading this and iinterested. Id like a cool new title. Name; Silence Of Expression. Any design will be accepeted and recognized. Winner gets a lifetime supply of hi-fives. Good luck and email me if you have any questions.