Thursday, September 10, 2009

War of Chess

I Wrote this some years ago. Its not my best and probably has spelling mistakes. Chess is what some consider a boring game so i tried to change peoples view of that. 

The War of Chess
  Many people in the world play chess, but many more don’t reflect on the game as it is; a war. The brutality of chess is both a physical, psychological, and what is most known as; a mental war. The mental aspect is the game itself, the psychological aspect is the effect and the breakdown it can play on your mind and the physical is the pieces that wage war.

Feeling Froggy?

I was at my friends before a long trip to Maine. His family has this statue in their frontyard. I was just kinda messing around with steadiness by taking pictures without flash, but one of the times it went off and this was the end result. I think it came out really cool. All the colors seem to accent eachother and the area aroung the statue looks all moved around while the statue itself is pretty motionless. Just something I did a few a weeks back. Have a good one!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sail and Sail Away

So, this is my first post with any actual relevance to it. This is a song I just wrote today. The lyrics and still being worked out and there will hopefully be an end to this song added at some point

I'm a day dreamer, I'm a night screamer
I play a six string guitar to get through the day
I watch waves crash, take a picture with flash
I'm just trying to sail and sail away
This place has been so incredible
The days is sent me so impossible
I describe with words english doesnt know
So i quietly sit and look at her all dayyyyyy

I don't play guitar right now...or sing for that matter. My dream is to take singing lessons and learn guitar at some point.
This song doesnt have to much meaning behind it. Its primarily about this man who enjoys being serene in nature and just how amazing it can be. But then there might be some love story coming into play. We shall see!

What Is This?

So, many of you are probably wondering about what my blog actually is. Well im a Junior in High School. Im from Massachusetts and always had a love for the arts. I started to write little short stories when i was younger and have continued to do that up till today. I've always loved music and the how the different sounds and words can effect your brain and your mood. So about six months to a year ago i started writing lyrics. Sometimes it would just be a chorus, sometimes just a few words, and if i was lucky a full-fledged song. Finally I've always been very passionate for photography. Pictures exemplify and show things in ways we couldnt have ever imagined. Normal things; a sidewalk, some flourescent colored flower, and even nature can be shown in ways will be awe-inspiring and wonderous to the mind. So, what is this blog your probably asking. It will be a continous series of photography, lyrics, short stories and anything else i wanna throw in there. So check it out and I'll try to be consistent and update a few times a week!