Saturday, November 14, 2009

We're Growing!

Here at SoE were constantly looking for people. So continuing with my ideas ive brought along another writer. His name is Preston. Hes pretty spectacular. So watch out for his stuff now too.

Have a Good One!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hiding Inside

The walls start closing in and I feel the sense of terror increase, I jump up the wall to reach a closed in ceiling. I jump back down to only feel myself gettting more nervous. My hearts racing now and I feel a quick sense of impending doom. I push that aside and refocus my mind to the task at hand. The walls now 2 inches closer. How big is this room i wonder. I quickly count the ceiling tiles. 19 of them, so 38 feet left. I run back up the wall and rest on the barred window ledge. I flip myself upside down and kick the ceiling with all my force. It didn't even crack. I slip and land flat on my back on the hardwood floor. I stare into the giant mirror to see myself and ask how did I end up here, I got caught in bad situations and now I'm screwed. I probably deserved it for what I did to her. I look around, no doors, a titanium barred window. The mirror, how could i be so stupid, he gave me the answer before he put me in here and i didn't even realize it. "Even a million shattered mirrors doesn't provide escape". Lets hope that last half was a lie. I grab my shoe and toss it at the wall with one huge mirror along it. It doesn't even crack. After 4 attempts all ending in failure I give up and try a new tactic. I back up all way and check the ceiling real quick, 12 tiles left, 24 feet, I'm running out of time. I back up as far the the opposing wall as I can. I run full speed using all the energy I have. I fly right through it right out the other side to a 20 story drop. I saved myself just to die. Its ironic I think how as I fall. I'm just about to smash into the ground... I woke up instantly filled with fear. The dreams are getting so realistic. "Its only a dream, its only a dream, it was only another dream. I slowly calm down and sip some water as my sense of doom disapears. I hide back under the covers and fall asleep till the morning. 

Felt like writing something intense. hope you enjoyed the journey.

Till next time. Have a Good One Peoples!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hey everyone!! As you've heard my name is Danielle, and I'm 17. Months older than Ben I might add, and I live right near the beach and I just started to homeschool this year. I love writing when the inspiration comes, so you'll be sure to read from me every once in a while but Ben does most of the writing. I'm a relaxed most of the time happy person, and look forward to sharing my writing!!!
I'll be writing soon!!
Toodleoo!!! :D

New Postageness

Theres a new addition to SoE. Which is what my blog is now gonna be called. Her name is Danielle. She a brilliant writer in my opinion. She'll be mixing in her posts with mine, so keep a look out for different writing styles and feedback is always great. 

Have a Good One!

She Didn't Need To Say I Love You.

The sun just rising over the ocean. The cool ocean breeze filled my lungs. She looked at me and only needed a smile to convey what a million words could say. Water dripped from her face from the spray of water against rock. I held her in my arms sure not to let go, to hold on as long as I could. We had been there since midnight. The first meteor shower she had ever seen and by the end, between the joy and awe expressions on her face we just stayed and laid under the stars. I return back to reality and she holds my hand tightly as she gets up. It was time to go, she didn't have to tell me, didn't have to look at me, we both just knew it was time to leave. We got into the parking lot, the sun not basking us in brilliant rays. She leans in for a kiss and recieves without question. As our lips break apart we remain in each others grasp. We hold on tight before letting go only when we have to. Our arms stretch out and slowly finger by finger we walk away to our seperate cars. We were completly lost in our own fantasy's. No words needed, like a silent film, like a perfect love.

Have a great day!