Tuesday, December 1, 2009

ello friends of Ben

So after almost a month of intense writers block I awoke from my creative coma and decided to just start writing. I decided it doesn't really matter what I write, whether it has good grammar, a good plot, or makes any kind of sense at all. The point is to just start writing something, anything at all, and then decide later what I like and what I don't like. Or you decide I don't really care. After all what is writers block? Isn't it really just something that is made up in our own heads when we don't feel like writing? Theres nothing at all stopping us from writing down our thoughts and ideas, except for ourselves, and our perceptions of what is good and bad literature.

So, put away your insecurities about what you think others will think about what you are writing and just start putting down your ideas. They may possibly all horribly suck, but who cares? you're doing something countless others don't have the balls to do, and if they criticize you for your crappy writing, then great! all you need is one idea, one idea that will set off a spark that becomes a story worth reading.

So prepare yourselves, I am Preston A. Clark, and I plan on creating lots and lots of bad literature.

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I apprecaite every comment like ALOT because no one EVER comments, so leave one and check back because I will respond to it.