Saturday, October 31, 2009

Daze Dream (Part III)

    The blurry remembrance of faint ambulance alarms ringing through my head, them constantly checking my pulse, and the idea maybe this was more than just a broken leg and rib.I regain conciousness a few hours after surgery, the eyes slowly getting clearer. Blink after blink my contacts get a little less dry and i can see. The doctor comes in to help me, a nervous and overworked look on his face. His nametag reads Hanson in faded black letters and his eyes are droopier than any mans should be. "Mr. Holtz, we have some questions to ask you regarding your accident." I could hear the faded grey hair in his voice, he was long past sleep and words came out slow yet precise, leaning on every word with a perfect emphasis. "We did a toxic scan as part of your surgery, to make sure non of the drugs we gave you would counteract anything already in your system. In the banner of normal items, such as Ketamine which we used to sedate you in the ambulance. On a broader spectrum though, we found traces of cocaine and PCP. Have you ever used any of these drugs Mr.Holtz? Because due to the nature of the these drugs and the physical activity you exercised, your brain went into overload and you nearly lost conciousness. To be honest Mt.Holtz, your lucky to be alive." My head was already hurting as i upped the morphine. "Doctor Hanson, is it? I can assure you I am one hundred percent against the use of recreational drugs. I have lived a mostly chaste life, but I am against drugs and their use for "fun". "Thank you Mr. Holtz, I'll be back at some point to check on you."

    I was starting to remember my morning. Woke up, like any other day. I ate breakfast before my bike ride. Cereal. yes cereal was my meal. The Frosted Flakes in the top left cabinet. They tasted funny, but the milk had been a little old. Was I drugged. Just the thought shot pain through the bandaged and broken left side of my body. What could I have done to have this happen? Did i fall off my bike, or was I pushed? It all happened so fast. And that lady in the red dress. I know I've seen that dress before. These all ran through my mind as I fell into another deep, deep sleep

Monday, October 26, 2009

Daze Dream (Part 2)

I take the bike out of the shed. I check the tired pressure of both tires and they seem to be perfect, possibly due to the chilly night we had. Riding, rocking the body just enough to the right to cut the turn perfect. No rush, nowhere to go this morning. Just a casual ride with the wind rushing into me, a smile on my face and not a care in the world. About 1/2 a mile in im feeling surprisingly winded. I had been going a little fast and jumping off the lips of people driveways but it was nothing like how i felt, my throat felt swollen, eyes all watery, and next thing a knew  everything was spinning. I lost control of the bike and wiped out into the street. The newly paved road was soaked in red. A car coming like a rocket sees me at the last second, does its best to avoid me but ran over my left foot. Agony and torment all over my face and body. Im writhing on the ground waiting for any relief, any help. Stabbing sensations traveling to the foot, now totally dismembered with broken bones and gwisted muscles inside and the road rash, broken arm and the three broken ribs. The car that hit me pulled over and sprinted to my side, calling an emergency number as he runs. "they're on their way, they're on their way" i hear as i fade in and out of concoiusness. I see a bright red ruffle as i finally blackout from sheer pain.  dumdumdum...keep checking, new posts all this week, once or twice a day!

Have an ecstatical day!