Friday, October 23, 2009

Daze Dreams (part I)

The door opens to reveal that open pasture i see so often..the dream fades away to black and white agaiin. Im looking for my mom in the park. She just seemed to vanish into thin air, no trace, no explaination. "Its not like her, its not like her, its not like her" i repeat over and over again until i wake up the next morning. I slowly fade into the ability to function. Slide the contacts int omy eyes, turn the music up to a volume i can cope with in the morning, run to the bathroom to let loose the demons ive been holding back since i fell asleep. Its a saturday which means i should sleep in. I felt more awake than normal this time of morning. I open the screen door to be hit with that gentle smell a fresh spring morning seems to bring. The 13 steps across pavement still cold from the night to the grass, just wetting from the dewdrops. the faded maroon shed doors open and i take out my bike. Technically my fathers, i ride it more than him, i call it mine. To Be a time when my eyeballs dont feel like bleeding..gnight

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I love how you stop writing because you don't want your eyes bleeding. Very poetic, Ben. Great post, as always!

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