Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy Resolutions :)

You know what? I just don't care, I'm as free as a bird. The sky is not a limit, the universe is boundless. Lies won't be a problem, I just won't believe you, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm defying gravity and looking at all possibilities, I will go only where I am wanted, and speak only with those who wish to converse with me. Ignore me if you wish, you can hope I cease to exist because I just don't care.Truthfully it was pointless, no aim, no direction, but I'm not angry or upset or frustrated anymore, because I realized it was just one small bump, and that if there are any problems in the world worth worrying about, that isn't it. On the grander scale of things, Jehovah is my focus, soon people are going to die, they need to hear about something better, they need hope to survive. Simplicity is going to be my goal, not worrying about petty things too, I will grow spiritually and into a better person for it.

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