Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What Is This?

So, many of you are probably wondering about what my blog actually is. Well im a Junior in High School. Im from Massachusetts and always had a love for the arts. I started to write little short stories when i was younger and have continued to do that up till today. I've always loved music and the how the different sounds and words can effect your brain and your mood. So about six months to a year ago i started writing lyrics. Sometimes it would just be a chorus, sometimes just a few words, and if i was lucky a full-fledged song. Finally I've always been very passionate for photography. Pictures exemplify and show things in ways we couldnt have ever imagined. Normal things; a sidewalk, some flourescent colored flower, and even nature can be shown in ways will be awe-inspiring and wonderous to the mind. So, what is this blog your probably asking. It will be a continous series of photography, lyrics, short stories and anything else i wanna throw in there. So check it out and I'll try to be consistent and update a few times a week!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I knew you'd make one. This is going to be really good ... I can't wait to read more!



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