Saturday, March 20, 2010


The words death are often spoken of in such a negative connotation and rip the fabric of peoples souls. But why can't death be a happy and a sad time. Remembering the good times, and remembering god has purposed a time on earth when "death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcrying, nor pain be anymore." Gods granting us a time when the world will be perfect. When one car accident leading to the death a young teenage boy isn't the end of a sad life but the beginning of a perfect one. We must hold our heads up, to rise above sadness and not let Satan trap us into his devious and depressing traps. We need to keep our faith strong, we need to not be saddened by death but make it an increase of resolve to love, be faithful and always look towards the future with endurance in our hearts, and good times and a bible in our hands.



  1. I was just asking myself this morning how I could possibly find a positive out of what happened, I found your blog.

    " car accident isn't the end of a life but the beginning of a perfect one." is what God answered to me.

    Thank you.

  2. I agree we should celebrate the life of those passed. By sharing our reminiscences with one other, we preserve the lives and accomplishments of the departed.

  3. Yes Donna, Im glad I could help you out.
    and anonymous yes people are truly defined by how they lived


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