Friday, April 2, 2010

Simple Eye

The earth is full of pain and relief, rough edges and smooth lines, deserts and oceans and all possible creation you could think of. With all this beautiful and outstanding creation before us, how can we not be content with what we have? We've seemingly gotten lost and stuck in a mindset of a want, need, get society. We try our best (some do) to limit ourselves by pretending we're content with what we have, but in reality this is just a facade. There will always be that lingering thought in the back of our minds about a new car, or just one more pair of shoes and then we always want whatever new electronic toy is out there. Theres so many factors making us "want" and its the media and manufacturers pushing and pushing to make you pay for their product or its your own buddies showing off their new BMW's and 54'' LCD T.V.'s. It's almost like life took a dump and out popped thousands of gizmos and gadgets for you to buy. Its ridiculous to be honest. So I'm going to paint two pictures and I think it's fairly obvious which is better.

1) A man lives with his wife and kids in a worn down seaside home. Everyday of the week he goes to work putting in an honest days work at an old shipyard with his two boys aged nineteen and sixteen. While he's at work his wife is at home busy tending to the garden, taking care of a beautiful four year old girl and tidying the house. After work the husband and his boys return home and the family eats a home cooked meal together of their porch. They all point out different things, but all unique and beautiful in some way that just grows each others appreciation for life. A night of laughter and joy ensues as the father tells his wife and children of silly adventures he had as a kid. One by one, with a "goodnight" and hug and kiss each child is sent to their room to settle down for the night. Now alone the husband pours himself and his wife a glass of wine and they sit and enjoy each others companionship under a full moon. Later they both climb into bed together, with a smile on their face, calmness in their eyes and love in their hearts.


2) Bang, Bang, Ring, Bang, Ring, Ring! The phones being ringing off the hook since four AM. The never ending construction of the high rise across the street puts forth a never ending racket of jackhammers, yelling construction workers and delivery trucks. He picks up his phone and realizes he fell asleep in his office for the third time that week, and it was only Thursday. He calls his wife of ten years to tell her sorry for not coming home. She says she'll always love him even though him taking the Vice President of his company wasn't what she really wanted him to do. Often times she goes to bed alone, not knowing if he'll be by her side in the morning. He always has this worn out and anxious look on his face and is rarely ever happy and satisfied. The day is filled with endless meetings and number crunching. He grabs Burger King on his way home and sneaks inside as the clock strikes midnight. He makes his way into the shower and slinks his way into bed. In just five hours he would have to be awake again. 

It seems to me like living a simple a modest lifestyle brings more joy and happiness. My advice is keep a simple eye on things and you will be rewarded.

Have A Good One!


  1. Good job benj, as usual! Your wording always flows so well. I could esp. picture the first option! Soudns wondeful...

  2. Aah, simplicity! You're a really good writer. You're imagery seems very realistic, especially how, even though the amount of income is different, it doesn't really come into play in either circumstance. I'm sure each instance is common in the world.

  3. Thanx alot Justin and Sav. I love painting pictures with words. It's my form of art.


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