Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Six Flags

Low and behold I am still alive. I appreciate all the concerned emails though (cricket, cricket). So Last monday i went to six flags in Springfield Mass. Town of Agawam to be exact. Now with the exception of the Yankee Cannonball in Canobie Lake Park (a 50 mph wooden death structure they call a rollercoaster) I'd never ridden anything, well big or not wooden. So Six Flags has this thing called Bizarro, previously Superman. Its really stinkin' huge. Exact dimension's could find are a 221 foot drop and reaching a peak of about 77 mph, maybe a little more. The track is pretty long to. They really make the most of the speed.

So now imagine a goofy, tall and petrified of roller coasters seventeen year old boy because he was a wimp and never did them before and you got me. I'm in line quite literally paralyzed with fear trying to joke around but absolutely terrified. Even typing this I can remember that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach that literally makes you wanna scream like a school girl and run away. But I manned up and did it. They strap you down so your hands are free. Yes, I said free to move around. even high five your ride buddy. So the ride starts. They begin with this epic battle scene of bizarro fighting superman or some demonized and twisted scenario the god-awful creators of this contraption think it is. Thankfully the ride didn't click, click, click all the way up and suddenly there's a hugh explosion and BOOM! your at the top of the coaster. Your overlooking every other ride, every person, at that exact moment you peak before your 200+ foot drop, you are the skyline. Then suddenly swoosh! you go down, but it doesn't just feel like down because of the craziness of the drop and before the wheels totally catch the track after the peak you are quite literally going more than 90 degrees downwards, or so you think. Then you go down..and down...and down..and just when your about to cry from the sheer g-forces ripping your skin from your body and detaching your brain from your skull and every pulse and breath takes hours not seconds and adrenaline pounds through your body I swear right there you can reach Nirvana. But, you do eventually reach the bottom to guess what? be catapulted up into a second jawdropping drop. The ride then throws you into massive curves, past a device that shoots flames up into your face (not literllay ofcourse) and then into a tunnel of steam just before slamming on the brakes and asking you to come back and do it again. It was the most amazing and exhilarting and terrifying experience of my life that I cannot wait to do again.

So then we went over to the Batman coaster which is much smaller in comparison but it goes upsidedown. And I was almost more nervous for this than Bizarro. So we get in line, go through, yadda yadda yadda. It actually kinda cool the seat is, except they always push your harness in just tight enough that its not comfy. So the conductor, button pushing guy or whatever he's called go BBAAWWOOOP! and off you go to climb again. Now I can only describe the first about 10 seconds of this ride cause its all I process in my brain. But you hit the peak and drop down to just a tough before fwoom you drop into a sweeping left hand bend and downwards into a massive loop. This was my first loop and gosh darn I LOVE GOING UPSIDEDOWN The rest of it is just spins and corskscrews and pure amazingness. . I enjoyed this ride sooooo much more than Bizarro and even went back on it again where I got the front row and had possibly the most fun ever in my life.

We hit up the Mind Eraser after the Batman though and that was just a demonized harness not designed for guys at all. It was pretty fun but not my favorite. All in all it was one of the funnest days in my life. I learned I love rollercoasters and love going upsidedown even more and can't wait to go back. I highly recommend for everyone to atleast try them before you judge them.

Have a Good One!


  1. Sweet! I am glad you tried the coasters and loved them! Next year, we you will have to join us at Cedar Point!!!!!!!!!!!!! It puts those coasters to shame!

  2. Totally aunty. Althought top thrill might make me crap myself...jus saying haha

  3. afraid of heights :(


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