Saturday, March 27, 2010

If My Life Was An Action Movie.

The alarm goes off. The clock says 6:30. I have 15 more minutes to lay in bed and maybe even get some more sleep.Beep, Beep, Bee..I hit the alarm to end the snooze. I know I have 5 more minutes before I have to get up, be dressed, and waiting monotonously for the bus to come. I throw my lunch in a bag and walk, the same 200 foot path to the bus stop I do everyday. Something was different about today though and I felt it, the way the air flowed, the ground was shaky, something was brewing, something big.

An older lady lives across the street and leaves for work about the same time everyday as I stand and wait, pondering the many thoughts of life. Shes kind enough, but today she seemed off, sketchy, nervous about an unknown doom. I didn't really think too much about it until I hear SCCREEAACHHHH and see a 2009 Nissan Maxima going backwards focused on nothing but my death. I leap into the air just a little later then i should and my left knee gets clipped and I faceplant onto the rear window. I look up to see this woman with a look of terror and fear in her face. She didn't want to hurt me, but I don't think she had a choice.

I scramble off the car and to my feet sprinting full tilt toward my house. This poor aging woman was not done with me yet. I cut through her yard tearing grass from beneath my feet and reaching the street as her car comes barreling towards me. I dive out of the way as she rips the e-brake. She over steered and threw herself into a 270 degree turn rather than a 180 and bought me some time. Realizing going into my house would probably end in a nice Maxima in my bedroom I tore for the shed and grabbed my bike. By the time I started pedaling she had gotten the car turned around and was burning rubber towards me. 

To top it all off I need to be in school and cannot afford another tardy. I fly down the hill on the sidewalk side by side with her on the road. Upcoming was a shortcut to get to school and I knew if I made it I'd be home free, for a little while at least. There was two obstacles in my way I had to overcome: The 2,000 pounds of steel to my left and the sharp left turn in an all sand driveway at the bottom of the hill. Realizing I'll never be able to make the turn I jam on the brakes and hop onto the road right behind the car. By the time she slows down and gets her bearings I already whipped into the oncoming lane and was cranking away from her as fast I could pedal. Much faster than I expected she is nipping right at my heels and I have to keep weaving to avoid getting run over. I finally catch a lucky break. A car comes heading straight for me with her right behind. I wait, patient, patient then jam my bike left and take off down the street. She manages to pull out in time and just catches the sight of me in the distance.

Her ability to adapt to the situation was astounding and she had a greater knowledge of the area than I could have ever perceived. I came out just a street across from my school. I was worn out, anxious and unfocused. I didn't even see her car until the last second giving me barely enough time to semi-leap off my bike and crash into her windshield. Glass went everywhere including my skin. I heard the school bell ring though and had no choice but to run into the school. I would not be coming in late today. 

I walked into home room, bruised, dirty, bloody, still picking glass shards out of my skin. It was only 7:25, what more could happen today. The class reaction were priceless though and my teacher immediately sent me to the guidance office. This is the conversation I had to suffer through.

"Ben, why are you a bloody mess?" Mr. Harrison asked in his gentle yet authoritative voice. I tried not to laugh at him saying bloody mess. Reminded me of someone British.
"Why do you bother asking when you won't believe me" I retaliated with intensity but still maintaining a sense of calm.
"Well, if you got into a fight on school property we need to know what happened." I could tell he was already starting to get irritated.
"I got attacked by an old lady in a car. Rode my bike through the woods. Nearly got murdered not a quarter mile away. Walked into school and made it to homeroom before the bell."
"Ben, this is no time for games. How can you possibly expect us to believe you?"
"Mr. Harrison, to be perfectly honest I don't give a flying fladoodle as too what you believe. I was there and now I'm here. The bell just rang and I still haven't gone to my locker. Can I go now?"
"I guess  we have nothing else to talk about. I'm going to have to call your parents because I think you may need some help."
"Whatever dude, Cya" I made a fist pumped my chest and made a peace sign with my fingers.

As the 2nd class bell rang I was alone in the hall with my thoughts. My left leg was a little limpy and my right shoulder was on fire from the last impact. I went to my locker, threw some books I thought I might need in my bag and walked towards the bathroom. I cleaned of my face, put on a button-up I had in my locker and picked the remaining glass out of my skin. I still looked like a train wreck. My hair was all over the place, shoes half tied, and i had little blood spots all over my face and body from the glass. Today was not going to be fun.

I walk into my algebra 2 class and sit down. My teacher turns around just as I sit down and looked pretty dumbfounded, so did the rest of the class. 
"You come late for my class and covered in blood. Ben this is just ridiculous."
I laugh along with the rest of the class and get out my notebook to start taking notes in. The girl i sit next to in class leans over and asked me what happened. I told her she'd find out later. After class everyone came up to me asking what happened. I told them some made up lie about tripping down my stairs and into a mirror. I could tell some believed and some didn't. 

By 4th or 5th period word had spread around the school. People made rumors I'd been a fight with my dad and things got aggressive, I got in a car accident, which made perfect sense because I don't have my license, or my personal favorite I fell out my window. The least pleasant effect was the popularity I quickly gained. Everyone coming up asking what happened. I just kept saying the same thing, today was becoming the one day my iPod just couldn't be loud enough. I had told 3-4 people the real story of what happened, although I'm pretty sure only my good buddy Joey believed me. 

It was 7th period, only two more before I can escape the prison called school, when I got called down the principals office. Nobody, EVER, gets called straight to the principals. This was not going to be good. I walked into his office, which I never knew even existed, and was staring face-to-face with Jack Casil. 
"Take a seat Benjamin, we have things that need to be discussed" His voice was commanding and threatening. Displaying supreme confidence in himself and making everyone else his inferior. I took a deep sigh and reluctantly sat down. For a moment I considered running out, but that seemed like more trouble than it was worth.
"What matter would you like to discuss sir?" I kept my voice calm and confident but I wanted him to think he had control. This strategy seemed like the fastest way to get out of here.
"Your constantly late for school, 12 tardies this year, correct?" I nod my head still feigning interest.
"Your grades seem to be suffering compared to what you teachers say your capable of, you say your not going to college, and you come and make a mockery of my school dressed like a car accident victim telling crazy stories."
"Excuse me sir.." My protest came to no avail as he interrupts me mid-sentence.
"Quiet, I am not finished. You will quit this foolishness, get your act together, or I will bounce me back to the high school faster than you can sa..."
Now it was my turn to interrupt him."Mr. Casil." My voice was slowly rising. "I do not appreciate you so obviously treating me as your inferior in a school that pledges equality. You have no evidence against me to prove the story I told about my appearance is untrue and I will not take being beaten down by an old principle. Good day sir." I stood up and walked out. I could hear him yelling in the background for me to "stop" and "Come back here immediately". I took pleasure out of knowing he couldn't control me and for the first time that day a small smile cam across my face. 

As I was walking back to my classroom I could feel a presence. Just as I turn around to see what it was I'm face-to-face with a two-by-four. I was immediately knocked to the ground and my vision faded away to black, but not before I heard the words. "We've Got him John". 

I wake up on my bus just moments before my driver starts the engine. The girl in the seat behind me asks how I possibly got on before she did. I wish I could give her an answer. I felt like I just wanted to walk home, mostly because I didn't trust anyone right now and needed time to think. I went to the front to get off when the bus suddenly lurches forward sending my backward into the row. Taking the hint I sat down in my seat as the bus gunned it out of the parking lot. Of course, this was just my kinda luck. I regain my composure after a couple deep breaths and open the rear emergency door. The girl who was sitting behind me is now screaming as I throw myself out to the mercy of the concrete. I hear the bus slow down in the distance to let the first kids off at their bus stop.

I slam against the pavement, thankfully I'd taken some ladder safety classes which taught you what to do if your falling off a ladder, and tuck my shoulder and roll spreading out and limiting the impact. While my roll lessened the impact my whole body was aching because I had just jumped out of the back of a moving school bus. Definitely checking that off my list of things I've done. Today was by far the weirdest day of my life and I slowly limped home, anger, fear, and a general sense of being pissed of radiating from my face. Not a mile from house I come in contact with what looked like an old friend from school. Seeing her brightened my day up a little. Upon getting closer I realized this was not my friend and someone else was having a bad day. By the time I realize what's happening a flying judo kick sent my body realing into an old birch. I stand back up in time to take a knee to the face, followed by a 3 punch combo ending in a big right hander to the gut sending me once again to the ground. 

At this point I was getting damned pissed off and the rules were thrown out the bag. I pretend to be weaker than I really was. She leans over to she the damage and I spring up. sending everything I have straight into a spear with my right shoulder. She was down but certainly not done. She leaped to her feet just in time to meet  my left hand in her face. She was still standing as I leap and land my foot right in her solar plexus. This time she dropped like a stone and didn't get back up. Sore, bruised, and broken I struggle home and into my shower. I get out and still naked in a towel I lay on my bed. Who's doing this to me and why? Two questions that just keep running through my head...

Hope you enjoyed. G'nite everybody.

1 comment:

  1. Ben! Wow man! You have some talent!! I like how the story flows easily. Love how you make people want to read more! :)


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